RAC Ecom & Replatforming


RAC is a British automotive services company

In 2022 I’ve joined Futurice UK in order to help RAC optimise, structure and migrate to a unified design language of their organisation as well user testing and implementing new features.

RAC is a leading British automotive services company offering breakdown coverage and aside their main b2c customer flow, the business has created over the years multiple b2b journeys for brands like Kia, Renault, Dacia & Ford.


  1. Create a unified flow across b2b and b2c journeys by a common UX and Design System
  2. Test new features, tests & iterate their implementation in the DS

below are a selection of Jira tickets

1. Unified Design System (UDS)

Part of our scope was to create an unified design system across all journeys, so together with my colleagues (that were working on the Kia and Dacia flows) we set in place a figma file were we cross reference and match the same components. This to ease up time and resources for out developers teams, not needing to redo or create endless iterations in front end.


The design system is based on two parts, one would focus over the grids, text, icons, color & effects styles that we all use in the Figma. It was the consolidating piece in order to help us out as a team to move on the next step, component libraries.

Part two, as I’ve mentioned are components. Now Figma is pretty smart and we can create a vast array of combinations, it supports lots of variables in order to cover most of the instances.

We split the components as follows:


Represent the smallest entity in UI elements and they can’t be broken down any further. They serve as the foundational building blocks of your interface.


Are groups of atoms bonded together and are the smallest fundamental units of a compound. These molecules take on their own properties and serve as the backbone of our design systems.


Are groups of molecules and /or atoms joined together to form a relatively complex, distinct section of an interface.


2. Features


Hide & seek button


How can we make people read and comply with regulations while still using the sticky button?



Issue: How does the hide & seek fixed button will act when multiple mandatory fields are on a page?

The fixed bottom button is great for simple selectors like radio button cards and drop downs, however when we have pages with heavy text inputs that require inline validation may require some special conditions.

Below is an example of four inputs that for the sake of the example are just simple text (not require an email mask or number input).

The keyboard CTA’s play a role to go to and focus the next input field for ease of data introduction and they are named ‘NEXT’, except the last field that is named ‘DONE’ and it focus out the last field removing the keyboard and unveiling the bottom bar.

Bottom bar is dependable on the field validation, once text is entered the field border will be marked in green, once the text count is equal to 0 the field border changes colour to red. In order to show the bottom nav all fields need to be validated.


In the case that an input field is not valid, thus it’s marked as ‘red’ the button will be grayed out and tapping will scroll to the not valid field and highlight it.



Cover Level Page





New components

Aside the new components we searched ways to revamp the whole page

Vehicle/person widget

One additional functionality is to tweak the number of vehicles or people when users change their cover level. Our hypothesis is that the Cover Level page will act like a comparison tool and this will drive more traffic, as people would want to add people later on.

The widget will work as a comparison tool, every time an user taps the

Choose Cover Page: Reduce white space on step/tighten up design []

In the second version, we have explored one idea that previously was prototyped and tested well to expand the selection cards with the second option.


The cards will support promo banners on top and will look like regular cards with extra iconography but once selected we can see the cover level options, for vehicles will prompt 3 options respective 5 for person cover.

Once users select one cover level you cannot go back to the previous ‘unselected state’ however users can select the other cover, minimising the previous selection (working as a toggle).

Ideally, selection will be stored, so for example if we first tap on the vehicles and select ‘2 cars’, further if we want to see what options we have on ‘Personal’ and choose a level when we come back the ‘2 cars’ selection will be remembered.

Combine Cover start date/Personal details/Address pages

The research phase was a key part of our work, We’ve looked over a series of services that tackle field validation on long pages in order to check what is feasible from the tech and multi-platform points.



We came up withtwohipotesys

The aim was to create an elegant yet gfast data entry, similar with what products like Typeform and Jotform, in a step by step page like experience, while leaving the option to scroll, preview and have the degree of freedom. Because some of the entry fields may come as preselected and others would require an active decision we tried a couple of ways to tackle this in UX.

The first ‘advanced’ idea was to create a fixed bottom


The ‘Fixed button & next steps’ is the original idea involving a sticky button whom will reflect the validity of each section. The button will prompt next until all field are validated and then the copy will switch to continue.



Mobile XS


Tablet M


Desktop XL


Scroll to error field

When adding lot’s of fields in one page, one main concern was the how potential uncompleted input fields that may be missed can create problems. One easy solution that is pretty common per our research was to create a feature that would scroll and highlight the invalid fields every time the bottom main CTA is tapped.

The fields will be shown in a sequential order and if we have multiple ones when you tap the keyboard ‘NEXT’ will chain to the next ‘invalid’ field. If we are done, the scroll will go to the bottom button in order to get to the next step.


Choose Cover Page: Add icons to the add-ons and make each add-on Q&A look like individual sections []

The issue of the redesign was that in the previous design users found the information too heavy and items too clogged out in the page. So we considered and auto scroll when an active selection is added but always keeping the scroll free, without an option to snap of paginate.


Desktop follows the same pattern as mobile and relies on the height of the page scroll, while elements like the price and dropdown widget remains fixed.


Type ahead

one of the


Choose Cover - Redesign Cover Level Tiles [DD-8755]

User Story:

AS A business

I WANT TO improve the presentation of the cover level tiles (and make them more closely aligned to the landing pages)

SO THAT potential customers have very clear and consistent messaging about the features included within each cover level

Acceptance Criteria

Wires still to be defined


One of the challenges of desktop was to avoid messing up the card height when an user opens several dropdowns. As a solution we implemented an open an close system, the white space underneath the dropdowns is equal to the biggest amount of text, as you expand another drop down the others will auto close.


Information redesign

[ add UI Design ]


Touch Map

The diagram shows the tappable areas of the card selector vs the space allocated to the dropdowns

VBM PBM Redesign

The task was to see what changes we could implement to increase conversion on the page by increasing the clarity of information. The hipothesys was that adding iconography,



In ortder to A/B test we


Pop ups were taken in consideration, a spinoff from the current ‘Tell me more’ pop ups that try to cover both cover modes.


Bullet points


Expandable cards were taking into consideration, the behaviour is to expand the card one way without using any use of dropdown or toggles.


We selected a combination of ideas for our test runs with iconography

