Beamery Recruitment CRM

As a lead designer, I’ve worked on several featured that defined the product like Onboarding and Data synch with Gmail and Linkedin, Campaign Section – Email Touchpoints, Campaign Builder and Email Composer, Admin Panel Redesign as long as converting the overall app into Material Design UI Kit.


Some of the features worked:

Pools Pools in Beamery are a great way to manage candidates around particular workflows and candidate attributes. Pools allow you to achieve more organization in your talent pipeline and nurture candidate relationships in a more targeted way. They can also be used to track contacts from events and segment contacts for campaigns.



Ability to publish, manage and list your company vacancies in separate pages, embed on your website and funnel users to the apply flow



Beamery helps your team become more productive with in-app Tasks. You can create tasks for yourself or assign one to a colleague. Tasks can be directly related to a candidate, talent pool or vacancy


Campaigns Campaigns

In Beamery can be used to create highly personalised email messages to target a large group of candidates in your CRM. If a candidate fails to open their first email, or if they don't click on a link, you can schedule automatic follow-ups to source or nurture new candidate relationships.



The Account Information area of Settings allows you to take actions like updating your name as it appears to other users in Beamery, add a verified email, update your email signature, your time zone, and choose how frequently you would like to receive the digest email.


Custom Experiences

Tailored experiences for retailers and consumer businesses including Facebook, Dropbox, Criteo, Github, Spotify and VMware, as well as House of Fraser, Shop Direct and Dennis Publishing.